New York Is probably my Favorite place in the world. A few months back in October my parents decided to plan a trip to New York for thanksgiving break. I was so excited, I couldn't wait to get out of Portland. A few weeks later when it came time to pack I stared at my wardrobe for a very long time thinking about what clothes I should bring with me on my trip to New York. After a few long hours, I finally picked what to bring. The next morning we were finally on our way to New York.

View of New York from cab
When we arrived at the JFK international airport, it was about 6:00 am and I was exhausted from a night of flying, but I was way to excited to fall asleep just yet. My mom and I had are day all planned out. First stop on our list (even before checking into our hotel) stopping at an H&M for the launch of Lanvin for H&M. We grabbed our bags, hopped in a cab and away we went to find an H&M.
We finally found a store thanks to the H&M app on my iPhone, and arrived at the store at about 7:00 am. My dad decided to go to the hotel, check in, and relax untill we got back from H&M. The store didn't open till 9:00 am so my mom and I thought we would be fine getting there at 7:00, but we were wrong. There were probably 70 people in line in front of us which we thought would be bad if the store only had a limited amount of each item. While my mom and I were waiting in line, a man came around giving people gift bags for early risers and colored bracelets that gave you a time that you could go in and shop the Lanvin collection. While we waited in line, waiters served people coffee and pastries. When we finally got into the store people were running around with arm loads of clothes. My mom and I quickly grabbed whatever we could find in our sizes. We ended up getting everything we wanted which was really exciting. After we paid for our clothes mom and I decided to hail a cab to our hotel, eight shopping bags in tow.

DVF's house
The rooms at The Standard
When we arrived to our hotel (the Standard Hotel) at about 11:00 am, My mom and I went straight up to our rooms. I had my very own room right down the hall from my parents. The rooms at The Standard are very small and urban. When I got to my room, I sat on the edge of the queen sized bed and looked out of the window at the view. It was perfect. You could practically see all of New York and I had a perfect view of the Empire State building. I then got up, went to the window and looked then. I looked at all the buildings on the street below me, but one stood out out from the others. It was a brick building with an oddly glass dome on the top, and the letters DVF written on the side. I instantly knew it was a DVF store, but I wanted to know what the glass dome was for. Later that week I went into the store and found out that that was Diane Von Furstenberg's room which I thought was the coolest thing ever.

Joan Rivers at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
On Thanksgiving day, my friend Emma (a long time friend who I met up with on the trip) and I woke up at 5:00 AM to go to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. We made it up to the front by the time the parade actually started at 9:00 AM. The parade was amazing and there were lots of great celebrities including Jimmy Falon, Miranda Cosgrove, Victoria Justice, Keri Hilson, Kanye West, Jessica Simpson and Joan Rivers. It was a great Thanksgiving day.

Teen Vogue, New York
A few months back at the Justin Bieber Teen Vogue shoot I met a woman named Leigh Belz who does some of the features at Teen Vogue. Leigh told me if I ever came to New York she would give me a tour of Teen Vogue; so of corse I took her up on her offer and she gave me a tour of the studio. It was amazing and I got to see everything that happened behind the magazine.

Shopping at Top Shop
In New York my mom and I did a lot of shopping, and since it was Thanksgiving time, the windows were all decorated for Christmas.

Shoes you can only buy at the Converse flagship store
Wall of shoes
Our really good family friend Paul Tew runs Converse and they just happened to be opening there flagship store in New York while my family and I were there. Paul gave us a tour of the store a few days before it opened. Check out the pictures above.
Overall it was an amazing trip and I hope to go back soon!
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